A Beginner’s Guide to Revising a Novel
Lesson 1: Introduction
In this lesson, we learn how to set our target and acquire the physical tools we’ll need to have for revising.
Lesson 2: What the Heck Did I Write?
Here’s where we read our book from start to finish, taking note of every issue we see—especially the Big Stuff. We’re also going to make an “outline” of the book we’ve written, which we will use heavily in later lessons!
Lesson 3: Creating Your Master List
In this lesson, we are going to organize all the problems you found in Lesson 2 into an easy-to-read Master List.
Lesson 4: Finding Your Fixes
Now it’s time figure out how to fix all the problems we’ve identified in Lesson 2 and oragnized in Lesson 3. Don’t worry: I have tips to help you!
Lesson 5: Plan of Attack
Okay, we’re organized with our Master List, we have our planned solutions…now what? Now…we get organized again. But trust me: this is a nitty-gritty, scene-level organizing, and it’s going to be worth the effort!
Lesson 6: Revising
Finally! We’re to the “main event” in which we get to apply our planned changes and dig into the manuscript!
Download a PDF
Here’s where you can access all lessons compiled in a PDF, complete with worksheets at the end for easy printing.